Friday, October 28, 2011

Karate-Do Tournament

I've been joining karate club for around 7 months and currently, I've been chosen to be
the club's president. Last weekend i went to two karate tournament and it was my
first time. Hehe....yeah actually it was my first time joining karate tournament but
not my first time joining combat sport tournament. Before this i was represented my
state Johor in Sukan Malaysia(SUKMA) in silat olahraga.

I got bronze in sparring and silver in karate's art

we got silver medal for showing the beautiness of karate's arts

Lets go back to my karate tournament. I got 1 bronze medal and 1 silver medal. gold. All the participants that beat me got gold medal. I really need to train more. I hope i can join more tournament afterwards. Injured? Yes, every tournament i got injured but i think it is worth to me. I just love fighting. I know that i'm not too good in sparring but it is my hobby.

Currently i am UNITEN's fighter, train under UNITEN dojo. For those who want to join our club, you're welcome.