Monday, July 19, 2010

Allah Ownself Praise Prophet Mohammad

1. “ Mohammadur Rasulullah”- Mahammad (sm) is the Prophet/ Rasul of Allah. ( Sura Fatah- 29)

2. “ Wama Arsalnaka Ella Rahmatullil Alamin”- I have sent you as the benignancy (Rahmat) to this world. ( Sura Ambia- 107 )

3. “ He has sent his prophet ( Mohammad) with proper guidance and true religion for awarding supiriority over all religion, although the nonbelievers dislike that.” ( Sura Saffa-9)

4. “ I have sent you (Mohammad) to all the human being as the best messenger and warner , although most of the men do not know that”.( Saba-28 )

5. “I (Allah) have enlightened him { Mohammad (sm)} with storehouse of kindness and knowledge on my behalf”. ( Quran)

6. “ I have sent you as Prophet to the whole mankind and for this witness of Allah is good enough. A man who followed the prophet as if he followed Allah. ( Nisa- 80 )
7.Prophet Mohammad (sm) has said: a. “Awalu Ma Khalakallahu Noori”. - Allah has created my Noor at first. b. “Kuntu Nabian Wa Adama Bainal Maye Wattin”.- When Adam (Alaihessalam) is in Water and Mud (i.e When Adam was not Created) at that time I am prophet.
1. “ Ahabbu Elaikum Minallahi” - Friendship/Love with Allah should be the greatest. ( Al Quran )

2. “If you love Allah , then you follow me, so that Allah also love you and excuse your sins.” ( Al Imran 31 )

3. “ He who will follow the order of Allah and Rasul (sm) , he will be the companion of those, to whom Allah has gifted blessings.” - ( Nisa 69 )

4. Prophet Mohammad (sm) has said , “ Greatest stage of Mohabbat (Love & respect) is to be satisfied to the wish of Allah. ( What ever thing happens is by the wish of Allah).” ( Al Hadis )

5. “ Al Marwu Maan Ahabba.” - Man will stay with him, whom he loves. ( Al Hadis )

6. In reply to a question “What is Iman (Belief)?” Prophet Mohammad (sm) has said, “Iman ( Belief) is the greatest Mohabbat (Love & Respect) with Allah and Rasul (sm). Nobody will be Kamil Mumin ( perfect believer) untill he will not Love Allah and Rasul more than the life, wealth, family members and everything of the world”. (Al Hadis)

7. Important aspects of ensuring Mohabbat (Love &Respect) for Allah are as follows:
a. Don’t be afraid of death ,rather always be ready for death.
b. To be ready to leave/sacrifice the most favorite thing even the friends & relatives for the Mohabbat (love) of Allah and to be interested to the favorite things of Allah leaving own favorite things.
c. To remain engaged in the prayer and Jikir ( Remembering) of Allah by heart (kalb) and tongue and never be reluctant to that in any circumstances. d. Keep Mohabbat (Love & respect) for the Kalam of Allah (Quran) and other thing closely related to Allah.
e. Maintain loneliness even staying with many people and keep concentration on Allah in every work.
f. To attain such a position, so that a feelings and pleasure is created for the Mohabbat of Allah. g. Have Mohabbat towards the pious men of Allah and be harsh and annoyed with Kafirs and Nafarmans (disobedient/Ungrateful).

So the only Word" Love- Love Love" for Prophet & Allah will guide you in right track.

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